REAL Awards Team Application

If you received an invitation to receive a 1%, 3%, 5% or 10% there is no need to apply unless you want to make a change to recognize a team for a team award instead of individual awards. Team leads may accept an individual achievement award if their name is listed for each transaction.

You may use this form to recognize other agents on your team by officially changing your award to a team award; you may also add their productions to your award and potentially bump your award to a higher percentile, but receive a team award instead of an individual contributor award.


If you were not invited to receive an award, you may use this form to combine production with other agents on your team to receive a team award.

Note: Teams must follow DRE rules governing team names. Details about qualifications may be found at this link:

Applications are due Thursday, April 6, by midnight. No exceptions.

Applications are closed for submissions.