Updated Guidance: Masking In Indoor Public Settings Required, Regardless of Vaccination Status

August 2, 2021

ALL persons, regardless of their vaccination status, MUST wear face coverings at all times in indoor public settings and businesses, per the August 2, 2021, Universal Indoor Face Covering Order by the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department.

So what does this mean for Agents and Brokers showing properties and holding open houses?

This mandate applies to all real estate showings of any kind.  Realtors and members of the public are required to wear well-fitting masks at open houses and property showings, regardless of vaccination status.

Brokerage Office Guidelines

  • Brokerage offices are classified as a public setting, and as such, everyone is required to wear a mask.
  • As a business, brokerage offices are REQUIRED to implement the indoor face-covering order.

The Following Guidelines Remain for Open Houses and Showings

  • No physical distancing for attendees, guests, and customers
  • No capacity limits (for gatherings under 5,000 attendees)
  • No cleaning requirements (However, CalOSHA recommends cleaning high-touch surfaces such as door handles, handrails, faucets, countertops, etc…)
  • No PEADs or any type of sign-in required
  • No restrictions on door-knocking and distribution of promotional materials, including flyers and business cards

Contact C.A.R. Member Legal Services at (213) 739-8282 for additional guidance

Continue to follow SCCAOR updates as guidelines continue to evolve. Updates will continue to occur and will be posted to the Transactions Resource Center in real time.

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